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HP OpenVMS Systems

Migration Software

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OpenVMS Migration Software for VAX to Alpha
     (Previously known as DECmigrate)

The OpenVMS Migration Services Program is pleased to announce the OpenVMS Migration Software for VAX to Alpha (OMSVA) product.

Formerly named DECmigrate, this updated product supports the migration of OpenVMS VAX applications to OpenVMS Alpha systems.

The VAX Environment Software Translator (VEST) is an OMSVA utility that translates executable and shareable OpenVMS VAX images into functionally equivalent images that run on OpenVMS Alpha systems. A translated image is an OpenVMS Alpha image containing both VAX code translated into Alpha code, as well as the original OpenVMS VAX image.
OMSVA has been updated to include new features, bug fixes, and documentation updates. OMSVA V1.2 is an updated release that includes the following new features:
  • Native Alpha images of OMSVA utilities, which have the performance advantage over the translated images of DECmigrate V1.1A utilities.
  • Image reference renaming during translation. The user is now able to control the names of the referenced translated shareable images and to keep multiple versions of a translated image and the corresponding .IIF file on the same system.
  • New translated shareable images of the runtime libraries from OpenVMS VAX V7.3. These images are installed with OMSVA V1.2 and coexist with the old translated shareable images.

The software and documentation is available via the Web and will be distributed with the OpenVMS V7.3-1 CD kit only. A formal OpenVMS Product Authorization Key (PAK) is not needed to install or run the OMSVA product software; however, customers are required to register accepting a freeware licensing agreement.

» access the agreement, complete a registration form, and download the software and documentation.


OMSVA is being made available to users on an "as is" basis, without support. However, users can report OMSVA problems to Software Resources International by mail. Software Resources International will follow up on an optional basis and at its sole discretion without any obligation. Please use the Software Problem Report (SPR) available from SRI.